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Your body will last longer if you provide enough zinc

A chronically low zinc intake disables so many protective enzymes after just 2 weeks that the hereditary material of your cells can be damaged. The best dietary sources of zinc are meat, shellfish and other animal foods, but zinc is also found in plants in a less easily absorbable form. Especially if you consume little or no animal products and do not use supplements, your zinc intake may be on the low side.

Your body will last longer if you provide enough zinc

Researchers from the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute in the United States published a small intervention study in 2017 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in which 18 healthy men aged 19-45 participated as subjects.

The researchers gave their subjects a diet for a period of 2 weeks that provided only 6 milligrams of zinc per day [Low Zinc].

According to current mainstream insights, adult men need approximately 10 milligrams of zinc daily. By the way, according to the same insights, the maximum intake of zinc is 25 milligrams per day.

The subjects were then given a diet that provided 10 milligrams of zinc daily [Moderate Zinc] for 4 weeks. The intervention lasted a total of 6 weeks.

Just before the intervention started, on the last day of the low zinc period and on the last day of the moderate zinc period, the researchers analyzed the blood of the test subjects.

The researcher studied the subjects' blood cells with the alkaline comet assay [black bars in the figure below] and the FPG comet assay. Both research methods measure the damage to the hereditary material of the cells. The larger the values, the more damage the DNA of the cells has suffered.

After the Low Zinc period, the damage increased. After the Moderate Zinc weeks the damage had decreased.

Your body will last longer if you provide enough zinc

The table below explains how a low zinc intake can damage the most crucial part of the cells. Click on it for a larger version.

A low zinc intake reduced the concentration of enzymes that repair damaged DNA, enzymes that neutralize antioxidants and enzymes that inhibit inflammation. These enzymes need zinc to work properly. In contrast, the concentration of enzymes that stimulate inflammation increased. During the Moderate Zinc period the situation normalized.

Your body will last longer if you provide enough zinc

"In conclusion, we show that a moderate increase in dietary zinc [...] reduces DNA strand breaks and alters circulating concentrations of plasma proteins that are involved in DNA repair, oxidative stress, and inflammation", the researchers write.

"DNA damage is not a specific bioindicator of zinc nutrition. Nevertheless, DNA damage can serve as a bioindicator of zinc nutrition when measurements of zinc-sensitive proteins like peroxiredoxin-1, ferritin, fibrinogen, and resistin are also taken into consideration."

Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Feb;105(2):343-51.

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